About Chris Scheele


A little background on myself and my journey

Hi, I am Chris.

I joined Align Wealth in 2024 after four years of running my independent financial planning practice. I started my practice right from the beginning because I could not find a firm where I could serve my clients with the passion, integrity, and values that I am unwilling to compromise. Let's face it: most of the Financial Industry is about sales. But, after meeting Scott and getting to know him over the years, I can easily say that I have never felt more aligned with another financial professional. Our respect for each other has continued to grow, and the conversations continued until we both decided it was time to be on the same team.

A little background on my journey as a financial planner.

I’ve worked in the financial services industry for four years, having made a significant career change at a pivotal point in my life. I was previously a project manager in the construction industry, responsible for managing the execution of multi-million dollar projects. While I learned a lot about working as a team under pressure and understanding the importance of people, processes, and communication, I realized I wanted to have a different impact on the world by pursuing something I was more passionate about.

My transition from construction to the financial world was far from graceful, but ultimately, it just needed to happen for me. From day one, my motivation has always been to do what's in the best interest of my clients and truly help them live their best lives! As I have grown in my financial planning knowledge and gained valuable experience, I have seen firsthand the impact an ongoing relationship providing “real financial planning” can have on a family. It is so much more than what to invest in or what type of insurance to have! Real financial planning connects your resources, time, energy, and money with what is most important to you.

I believe that great financial planning requires teamwork between you and a financial planner who is committed to being your strategic ally throughout life. We need a relationship that allows us to thoroughly understand your values, objectives, and individual circumstances. Then, we can take the necessary steps and implement the proper strategies to help you attain your financial goals and dreams. By the way, seeing our goals, values, and priorities shift over the years is typical. That is why the ongoing relationship is so meaningful.

On the personal side, here a few snippets about who I am.

When I’m not having conversations about money with clients, you can find me spending time with my wife Michelle and our two kids, Violet and Bradley. We are an active family that loves to take adventures together. Our favourite hobbies are skiing, camping, gardening, and hiking. We have plans to travel as a family while the kids are young and have been planning and thinking about how we might live abroad for a year or semester while our kids are still in elementary school.

My biggest passions outside of personal finances are skiing and hunting. Having grown up competitively skiing from age 6 to 20, my skis honestly feel like an extension of my body now. Our family ski days are some of the highlights of my life; our young kids fight to be the first one behind me, following my tracks off the jumps and racing down the runs. I love floating through the soft, powdery snow, around trees and off cliffs, and even carving race turns on the groomers. It's quiet and peaceful on the mountain, but you will hear me giggling and shouting with joy the whole way down on a good snow day.

Hunting is a similar experience for me; it is the solitude of being out on my own in nature, with patience and a strong will, just waiting for the opportunity to harvest a majestic animal and provide food for my family. It's just so hard to beat. I spend as much time as possible out in the forest every fall and think about, train for, and practice shooting my bow at all times throughout the year.

My passions make me a better person, and I love learning about my clients' passions as well.